06Feb DSLR Steadyfocus rig
I was looking around at a few of the different rigs on the market and came across this little guy. It looks like a clever idea for the price. Often a Follow focus alone will run some where in the range of $150 to $300 and that doesn’t include a camera mount or rail system.
The price tag on the DSLR Steadyfocus rig is $159.59. For something that could work as a fallow focus and handheld camera support, that is a very reasonable price. Each of these units are hand made and the only way to order one right now is by contacting the builder by e-mail.
It looks like you send him the model of camera and he cuts the battery door opening to match. I haven’t had a chance to play with this rig but the design looks like it could be very handy for the low budget filmmaker. I don’t know of any other rigs out at the moment that are a follow focus camera mount combo. So this could be a very nice addition to your setup if you are looking to save some money. Having a few extra options for mounting gear on your camera can make life much easier and this might work nicely with that $28 monitor project I posted awhile back.