13Mar Affordable 300 watt CFL lighting setup
People are always looking for affordable lighting rigs and I’ve received a number of e-mails asking for lighting ideas that fit into a $100 budget. I’m a big fan of CFL bulbs for their life span, power draw, and low temperature performance. There are also a lot of lighting options out there that use CFL bulbs.
So after looking around for awhile I found the Cowboystudio 1200 watt (equivalent) studio light setup for $95. The setup includes 4x 300 watt (equivalent) CFL lights, 2x light stands, 2x double socket light mounts, and 2x 33″ Black White umbrellas. You also get a few light bags and cases.
For $100, I wasn’t expecting a whole lot out of this setup, it’s nice to be surprised. Each Light socket has a ON/OFF switch and a easily adjustable light mount. The umbrellas are as expected, and the stands aren’t rugged but if you treat them well, they should last you awhile. The CFL lights are 5500k so it’s very easy to setup your camera’s white balance.
The best thing is that these lamps sip power. With 4 lights plugged in I was measuring about a 2 1/2 amps draw, and with 6 lamps plugged in I was drawing just shy of 4 amps. That means no tripped breakers, hot extension cords, or fire hazards. You also don’t have to worry about ultra hot lights or fragile filaments.
The one thing to keep in mind is that CFL lights aren’t very directional. They work great for good even lighting, but if you’re trying to get pin point directional lighting this might not be your best option. I think over all the Cowboystudio 1200 watt (equivalent) studio light setup is a great bargain for the price, and if you’re looking for a simple and easy lighting rig this could be a great way to go.
If you don’t want, or need the light stands, you can pick up the bulbs alone for about $14 a peace. They should work just fine in any of the small lamps or light sockets you have around the house. This would also make the lighting setup even cheaper.
Update: The Cowboystudio lighting rig is currently back ordered right now. So you might want to check out the PBL PHOTO DIGITAL VIDEO LIGHT KIT
March 14th, 2011 at 12:03 am
What do you think about the kit that is a step up from this one? Coming in, at under the $250 mark with three lights, softboxes, stands, and a case. Is there a reason why the $100 light kit is a better buy or is it worth the extra $150 for the softboxes, and extra fixture? Great stuff as always!
March 14th, 2011 at 11:22 am
It could be worth the extra if you need the extra stand and soft boxes. I picked this one out because I received a number of e-mails asking for lighting ideas that are “under $100”. If you need more light, then I would say go for it.
March 14th, 2011 at 11:49 am
I actually got a similar set up, but without the double light sockets, with a green screen kit.
all in all it was 120 bucks…. not bad.
the lights work great!!!
Thanks for the post!!!
March 21st, 2011 at 10:39 am
Hey where did you get that 120 bucks value with greenscreen?
The cowboy one seem to be sold out on amazon… it says “Usually ships within 1 to 3 months”
March 21st, 2011 at 5:39 pm
[…] big of a deal. Everything else seems to be the same. So if you’re still in the market for an Affordable CFL lighting rig this should be a […]
April 29th, 2011 at 8:19 am
[…] start thinking, “I could just burn 20 or 30 DVDs and use the money leftover to buy a lens or lighting gear“. Sure it’s easy to think that way and you might even get away with it for awhile, but […]
May 2nd, 2011 at 9:04 pm
I just bought 3 clamp lights from Home Depot, 3 5k cfl bulbs and made pvc stands. Total price: $40
October 31st, 2012 at 12:25 pm
I know the post is old, but I would make a small contribution. This position of bulbs over the umbrella is not very efficient. The way is the light is directed to the ceiling and to the floor and not to the umbrella itself. CFL transmits light from the sides and not the top or bottom of the lamp. Pointing them to the umbrella light will be directed to the floor and the ceiling and only a small portion will hit the umbrella and even less at the bottom of the lamp (which usually is pointed at the subject). Take the test lamp parallel with the umbrella and not cross. Hugs from Brazil.
August 30th, 2013 at 12:27 pm
Do these bulbs emitt noise?
I think I can see something like a build in cooling fan?
with best regards,
blaues Kopftuch (blue bandana)