This case has been around for years. It started out life as a snare drum case, then it was used to hold effects pedals, but it’s most recent use over the last few years has been to hold spare camera gear. The case is made out of heavy duty plywood, lined with hand stuffed bags of padding, and probably weighs more by its self then all of the gear I fill it up with.

I’ve had good luck with my APE cases over the past few years and I was looking for a lighter smaller replacement for this plywood box. The APE ACPRO1600 has about the same amount of space as this old monster and comes with plenty of pockets and sleeves to stash stuff in.

The thing I’ve always liked about APE cases is that they are bright yellow inside, which means camera gear stands out and small parts are easy to find. Cases aren’t the most exciting thing to go shopping for, but I think this should replace my old case just fine and reduce the amount of space my gear takes up in my little hatch back.

This should be a good place for me to stash adjustable arms and other random hardware without clogging up my camera bag.

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