11Sep The Sony NEX-5n released.
I posted about the Sony NEX-5n awhile back and now the Sony NEX-5n body has started to show up on Amazon for $599. The overall impression is that the low light performance is about as good as the T2i with a slight gain in sharpness and all of this at 60fps. 1080p at 60fps is very nice, but until there is a hack or firmware release supporting 30fps I think i’ll have to stick to the Canon t2i with magic lantern.
Here is an unboxing of the NEX-5n if your interested, goforjared‘s video is a little shaky but its always nice to see the camera and what comes with it. I still think the Sony NEX-5n is a good buy, but It looks like the T2i is still the best low budget option out right now.
If you want to watch a much more artistic unboxing, take a look at this video from SonyConvergineer.
Stop motion makes everything more fun.
September 12th, 2011 at 8:24 pm
i’d take a closer look at this one as far as the T2i being a better bet. this thing (without lens) is just slightly bigger than an iPhone and shoots 24P HD (definitely more of a pro video standard than 30P) such as this: Here
two of these things can potentially take up less room in your kit bag then a T2i. this technology at this price point looks like a big deal to me. bought my today on release day, can’t wait to really try it out.
September 12th, 2011 at 8:51 pm
The NEX-5n is sharper over all, but T2i seems to have better color space IMHO. 60p looks very nice and many people love 24p, but I still prefer 30p over 24p and most of my paying work is 30p here in the states. I don’t get very many request for 24p, but to be fare a lot of my work is training and safety video work. On the one job I was asked to shoot at 24p (in the last year), I just conformed the footage in post and no one really noticed, they came back later and asked for 30p (29.97) delivery.
September 14th, 2011 at 4:23 pm
yeah, we all definitely have our own needs.. and this meets mine perfectly!
September 12th, 2011 at 8:26 pm
this 60P footage might make it even clearer: Here
February 9th, 2012 at 1:14 am
I played around with this at CES, and was quite impressed, but for what Sony is charging I would rather buy a dslr