(Special thanks to Yiannis for pointing this out to me) The Flashpoint LCD 8 inch monitor is an interesting concept. You basically get an 8 inch hdmi monitor that doubles as a remote shutter trigger and wireless standard definition monitor for $499. An 8 inch monitor is right at the limit of what you’d want to mount directly to a camera rig and 800×600 display resolution isn’t very impressive, especially in an 8 inch form factor.

The main thing that makes this interesting is the fact that the remote shutter is built into the monitor which could be handy in a camera trap setup. But the main problem is the price. For around $20 you can buy a wireless shutter remote another $250 will get you a and that still leaves you with enough money to pick up a 5 inch HDMI monitor with better resolution.

At $300 this would probably be a little more compelling, but at $499 it probably wouldn’t be my first choice if I was in the market for a wireless monitor. The Flashpoint LCD 8 inch monitor is an interesting concept but I think your money would be better spent elsewhere.

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