18Jul Edelkrone Pocket Rig Shoulder Stabilizer Clone
The Edelkrone Pocket Rig is an interesting little collapsible shoulder rig that’s about the size of a battery grip. The idea is to fit a shoulder rig and 15mm rails into as small a space as possible. But at a price of $339 there are much more affordable options out there.
If the idea sounds interesting to you it looks like a Hong Kong based company is selling something extremely similar under the name Pocket Shoulder Stabilizer. This version is $239 with free shipping, saving you around $100, which means you might have a little money left over to pick up the optional rail handles
for an extra $59. If you would prefer to have the real Edelkrone Pocket Rig there is a used model on ebay right now with a starting price of $199 plus $7 shipping
which could possibly save you a little more money.
Just looking at the pictures of these two rigs, it looks to me like the Edelkrone has a little thicker adapter plate then the knock off. But I’d have to have them both side by side to really tell for sure. I’ve always liked the look of the Edelkrone (formerly handy film tools) rigs, but for me it’s the Mac v.s. PC argument, do I spend more for looks or just care about price for performance? I think I’m more of a price for performance type of guy.
If you don’t need your rig to fold up to the size of a stapler, there are a lot of cheaper options on the market. It really depends on what works best for you.
July 19th, 2012 at 12:11 am
I’ve got a buddy I shoot weddings with, and he has the Edelkrone pocket rig and with his limited use, two months later… the parts are loosey goosey. Not that great a build quality … not sure if that was the first batch.
July 19th, 2012 at 5:24 am
Thanks for the heads up!
July 19th, 2012 at 10:52 am
I’d read the same thing in some other blog posts. Maybe they’re working out the kinks?