» Archive for November, 2012

16Nov Irig Pre XLR audio interface for your DSLR – First impressions

Basically the connector above combines the headphone output as well as the microphone input cable into a single device. That way you can use your headphones to answer calls as well as listen to music on your iphone. You might see an iOS audio interface with a connector like this and think “useless”,  but if you add […]

15Nov Rode VideoMic pro w/free copy of Plural Eyes 3

If you need a simple compact microphone, the Rode VideoMIC Pro is at the top of the list. It’s small, light weight, and it offers up to 20db of gain, which makes the output much more friendly to DSLR users then the original Rode VideoMic. Right now B&H is offering up a free copy of […]

13Nov $49 TEAC VR-20 field recorder becomes a $100 field recorder with firmware hack

Looking for a field recorder like the Tascam DR-08 but don’t want the spend $100? Then you might want to take a look at the Teac VR-20. It’s basically a DR-08 with a few features disabled in the firmware. Not only do you save $50 on the price but with this firmware hack you can get […]

13Nov DSLR FILM NOOB Podcast episode 1

I’ve been trying to decide what I’m actually going to use the second youtube channel for and was wondering if this is a format you guys would find useful. Basically it’s a podcast covering stuff from the site once a week. Think of it as a condensed audio book form of dslrfilmnoob.com. I will make the […]

12Nov 4 CFL softbox review video

I’m slowly catching up on equipment reviews I’ve been putting off, my schedule has been all over the place. I posted this 4 CFL softbox awhile back, started using it for product lighting and forgot to post a full review. I’ve been using it for a few months without any problems so that’s a pretty […]

10Nov Old school 16 track recorder for cheap: Fostex VF-16

I was looking for some old commentary tracks I recorded for a film I worked on a few years back and ended up having to dig this old beast out of the closet. Meet the Fostex VF-16 multitrack recorder. This monster is capable of recording up to 16 tracks of audio simultaneously (with optional adat interface) while saving everything to […]

09Nov CameraMator Wireless transmitter update.

You might remember this post about a wireless camera monitor/control option on kickstarter. It basically connects the usb port on your camera to the device and sets up an ad hoc wifi point for your smart phone or tablet to access camera controls and live view. The kickstarter project closed in September and CameraMator has […]

08Nov Freenas problem Solved!

Finally solved my freenas speed issues. Even though the on board Ethernet card in the motherboard I ordered has a supported network chip-set, it turns out that it was the bottle neck for my system. Apparently these are often labeled as 100/1000Gb ports but many of them have trouble  actually reaching those speeds. I was concerned with my read and write […]

07Nov Eos-m to FD lens adapter, no extra glass needed.

When I mentioned the EOS-M camera announcement awhile back, you might remember me saying that the best reason to buy an EOS-M camera would be the up and coming EOS-M to FD adapter that would follow. I pointed out that the flange distance of the EOS-M to the sensor would be close enough to allow for the use […]

05Nov Sony SLTA99V Alpha A99, Almost perfect.

Imagine if I asked you what features you’d like to see in a new full frame DSLR for both video and stills use. For me it would probably be higher frame rates (stills and video), view finder in video mode, clean hdmi out, and better auto focus. Add to that full time auto focus in video […]