09Dec Linco Flora Lighting kit review
The Flora Lighting kit from Linco showed up in four boxes, two of which where filled with 85 watt CFLs (the kit comes with 18 total) and the other two containing stands, heads, and light boxes. The stands and heads come in these nice padded zipper cases, while the CFLs are packed in Styrofoam. The boxes where handled ruff by UPS but thankfully Linco provided enough packing to keep everything safe.
Opening the case up you’ll see 3 of these very solid Flora heads. Each unit supports up to 6 CFL’s in a very tight pattern. Unlike some of the cheaper 4 socket heads I’ve reviewed in the past, the sockets have nice clean threads and are securely attached to the head. Light bases thread in easily and there doesn’t seem to be any give to the socket itself.
Each head has two power switches which control 3 sets of sockets. The long permanently attached power cord on each unit is thick and stretches out to about 15 feet, reducing the need for extension cords and power strips. One complaint I have about the Flora head is that the gray adjustment handle has to be tightened to the extreme when everything is attached (lights and box). Some of the cheaper heads have teeth on this adjustment point which allow this to lock in more easily and don’t require much force. I could see this being a point of failure down the road.
The softbox is probably one of the easiest to setup I’ve seen for a CFL kit. The design is similar to an umbrella, but in stead of a shaft you have a threaded connector. Simply pull the white string until the plastic buckle snaps into place and the softbox opens up and locks into a hexagonal shape. The Softbox also includes an extra flap of materiel that can easily be cinched up around the back of the head to prevent light from leaking out the back.
Once the softbox is setup it only takes a single thumb screw to lock it into place. The design also allows the rods on the softbox to act as locking support for the whole assembly. The whole thing is much easier to assemble then the units that require flex rods and it only takes a minute to setup. If you plan to travel with your lighting kit this the Flora lighting kit is a much more durable option then cheaper 4 socket heads used on other units.
The quality of the light stands included in the Flora lighting kit are much better then anything you would get from Cowboy Studio. On the left you can see the solid build and quality hardware of the Linco stand
, while on the right you see the thin tube and low quality hardware used on a cheaper light stand. A heavy duty stand
can make a lot of difference in how stable your light are.
Over all, the Flora Lighting kit from Linco is worth considering if you plan to upgrade your lighting kit. If you travel with your own light rig a kit like this is probably one to consider, especially at the sale price. At the normal price of $1066 I would consider cheaper options, but at the sale price of $408 it’s a great buy. According to the listing the sales price only lasts for 3 more days so if you want one, now is the time.
On a side note, my kit did not come with a counterweight for the boom stand. I ended up using some water bottles and a reusable grocery bag attached with a carabiner. Not a huge deal but something you’ll need if you want to make proper use of the boom arm.
December 9th, 2012 at 2:02 pm
The pull string to expand the softbox looks pretty thin… does it seem like the kind of thing that would fray or break with moderate use?
December 9th, 2012 at 2:47 pm
The pull string is about the same size as the one you get with mini blinds which last quit a long time. If you wanted to upgrade it, the string is just looped through a 1/4 inch hole, it would be pretty easy to replace with something else.
December 9th, 2012 at 8:08 pm
You stated U received 85 watt bulbs with your kit. The one on special comes with 50 watt bulbs. Did U specify 85 watt or has the wattage been changed for this deal?
December 9th, 2012 at 8:29 pm
Not sure if it was a mistake in the listing or if there was a mistake in my order, but the bulbs are all labeled as 85 watt, and they are about the same size as the rest of my 85 watt CFLs i have. I also didn’t have a counter weight bag that is shown in the picture so I wonder how close they are paying attention to their listing/orders.
As fare as I know the listing hasn’t changed.
December 10th, 2012 at 10:31 am
Hi DJ,
You Lucked Out! Your kit is code number LK 102, comes with 18- 50 watt bulbs. I called Linco this morning and asked them about this. There was obviously a mistake filling your purchase. The kit that has the 18 – 85 watt bulbs is coded as FKB 6120. It is priced at over $1100. Linco’s toll free #
is: 877-835-4626.
December 10th, 2012 at 10:56 am
Grins, I don’t think i’ll be returning my order. Maybe I shouldn’t complain about the missing counter weight bag.
December 10th, 2012 at 11:09 am
You could still save a bit and buy the 85 watt bulbs on amazon. That would be around $700 ($300 lights + $408 for the kit) which would still be less then $1100 price tage.
December 10th, 2012 at 4:10 pm
I am an ardent follower of your blog. U do an excellent job.
December 11th, 2012 at 6:20 am
Thanks, I ordered the kit. Will let you know what comes with mine.
December 11th, 2012 at 9:47 pm
The string on the softbox is indeed small, and you will wonder when you first look at it, but when you open the softbox up (and see how easily it does) you won’t worry about it.
I didn’t have any problems or worries with my handle regarding it holding or failing. It feels more than tight enough and I didn’t need to torque it down so it was odd to read that you had to. The softbox and lights are so light, it isn’t like it requires 85ft/lbs of torque to hold it LOL!
I really like mine and think Linco could sell a LOT more of these if they came down in price a bit or ran more sales. I would worry about getting 50w bulbs though since I’m spoiled with the 85s.
December 11th, 2012 at 10:04 pm
Yea I was a little disappointed in the handle, the rest of the head is built so well it wouldn’t have taken much to fix that small part. I’m wondering if that’s the reason my unit was on sale. I ended up with the 85 watt bulbs and I sent them an e-mail about the counter weight and they have one in the mail for me now. Best softbox design i’ve seen.
I’ll probably put a video together on them once I’ve finished the gopro hero 3 and Canon 6d reviews i’m working on.