11Dec Swivl Motion platform for Mobile and DSLR devices
So this looks like a very interesting Kickstarter campaign. Basically it’s a turret platform for your DSLR, phone, or tablet with 360 degrees of rotation and up to 20 degrees of tilt. There is also a built in usb controller for your DSLR and if you pledge for the silver model (85 left at the early bird price of $149), it also includes a built in motion tracking lav microphone.

The time laps features could be very cool and the motion tracking would be great for adding movement when talking directly into the camera. If the panning is smooth enough this could even be a low cost alternative to a fluid or gear head for your tripod. The Swivl is very interesting, but remember this is a kickstarter campaign so you might not get your hands on this for many months (estimating July of next year). I’m still waiting on the last two kick starter projects I’ve funded (cameramator and the Aviator pocket jib).
If you’re interested (I pledged), I recommend spending a little extra on the silver edition, the wireless mic options is a very good feature for the extra price, not to mention the motion tracking. There are 85 left (as of this writing) at the early bird price of $149, after that it goes up to $175. I think the Swivl motion platform will definitely be fully funded, but it’ll be at least 6 months before we find out if it’s any good. It’s hard to tell at that price.
Special thanks to Yiannis for pointing this out.
December 12th, 2012 at 2:17 am
🙂 I already pledged yesterday. And sent you a message about it. Would open-up possibility to get a more kinda WYSWYG user interface for time-lapses when the right software is developed. Also just as wifi remote control for a camera it will already be super usable…
February 9th, 2013 at 10:57 pm
I see it supports DSLR tracking, but how does it deal with video focusing? I believe that manual focusing is needed when using a Canon 7D for video, so how does it auto focus on the swivel?
February 10th, 2013 at 7:47 am
They are working on live view controls similar to the ones used by canon’s software for tablets and phones. Not quit auto focus, but it would allow you to set focus points remotely.
May 16th, 2014 at 8:43 am
Just arrived here. 10 months late… To be honest, they have still a huge amount of work to do on the software side. especially android. also feels more plasticy than I thought. deejay, guess you have to give an update on this article Wonder what you think of it…
May 16th, 2014 at 9:05 am
Just got my yesterday (finally). Should have a post up soon. Currently packing for a music video shoot so I might not have anything up on it until next week. I completely agree, very plasticy and the software on both android and iOS isn’t great. I don’t think I’d trust it with a 5d mark III, but it should be good enough for the GH4 + Olympus 12-40mm f2.8. More info as soon as I get to play around with it.
November 25th, 2014 at 8:09 am
Just found this!! Looks amazing!! i have a few questions:
Can you rig this upside down?
How much wight, in other words how heavy camera can you attach into this thing? > While in normal position,-or if possible while upside down?
Can you set zoom points/markers/waypoints, what ever you wanna call it? Maybe remotely launched by a small but durable foot switch? Or launched by a certain audio frequency range + focus duration pre set timer,-or maybe both LOL
Is it possible to attach an external microphone (mono/stereo input jack even?), for both the separate portable motion tracking beacon,-and also to the platform it self? Or just to the other one (which one?)?
I’m very interested about this!! Cheers!!