09Jan Rode iXY Stereo Microphone for the iPhone and iPad

Rode announced the interesting looking Rode iXY stereo Microphone and app for the iPhone and iPad. It’s basically an XY microphone adapter for your iOS device that allows you to record audio at a 24 bit 96kHz sampling rate.
The app also looks like it adds a few interesting features to the mix, including noise reduction, copy and past, and fader controls. At $199, the price does seem a little steep, especially when you consider a Zoom h1 can be had for around $85 and all of the editing and effects features can be performed on a computer. There are also other adapters out there for iOS devices in the $50 to $80 range that perform the same function at 16 bit 48 kHz sampling rates.
I think it’s going to be hard sell, but if the Rode iXY stereo Microphone looks like something you might “need” you can get on the pre-order list here.
January 9th, 2013 at 11:05 am
That app is obviously a re-badged version of Fire. Several companies have released stripped down versions of Fire (Blue for example), if you don’t need the mic, but want to do decent recordings on your phone just get the Fire app for $5.99. There are also great cables (Like this one) that you can hook any mic (sans phantom power without an adapter) to. I work in radio production and we’ve gone to this setup instead of the old, expensive recorders we used to use.
Our setup is pretty flexible, we use an SM-58 when we need “old-reliable” for handheld field work. We use a Rode NTG-2 when we need a shotgun condenser, and we can plug in our Sennheiser EW-200 when we need wireless.
January 9th, 2013 at 12:58 pm
I think if you own some decent microphones this thing would even make the list of options to consider. I’m a little old fashion so when I’m doing audio work I still carry around a field recorder and a couple of microphones.
January 9th, 2013 at 4:28 pm
The Tascam iM2 stereo mic is $29.99 at B&H including free shipping. I mix it with the Rode Videomic Pro to get the best of both worlds.
January 9th, 2013 at 5:34 pm
Apparently there is a free ‘lite’ version of the required app, and you have to pay to get the full app. I saw the mic listed on another site for $99, but I am guessing they had the pricing wrong. At $199 and requiring still more $$ to unlock the full featured app, I am not sure what Rode is thinking with this. For that price, I’d consider the Zoom H4n or the Tascam DR-40 instead.
January 9th, 2013 at 5:40 pm
January 9th, 2013 at 7:35 pm
The mic is pretty innovative considering it can attach directly to your phone. It’s less gear to haul around, lightweight, portable. However, at a $200 price tag the Zoom H4n is a much better value for the money, considering all of the other built in features.
January 10th, 2013 at 8:08 am
The sad thing is, it doesn’t bend to the back for use while recording video. With so many people shooting decent video on the iPhone/iPad, I think they are missing a large audience by trying to compete with Zoom and Tascam. At $199, I would expect that functionality.
January 10th, 2013 at 8:19 am
I don’t think the device is supported by other apps. So you might not even be able to use it when recording video.