21Mar Canon announces the T5i and SL1 more of the same

So what’s really been added? It looks like the only thing the T5i has to offer over the T4i is a higher numbered name, a few new picture style presets, and some renamed features. I suppose you could pre-order the T5i for $749, but I’m not sure why you would when the T4i sells for $648 new.

I guess if you need a camera that weighs less then a pound (14.36 oz) it might be worth a look. Maybe the SL1 combined with the 40mm pancake would make a decent travel option. Otherwise you’re back to the T4i as the superior choice.
As with many of Canon’s announcements there isn’t much new to see here. If you already have a DSLR with this sensor which covers every crop sensor DSLR Canon makes from the T2i forward there isn’t much reason to upgrade. Save your money, someday they’ll finally release the a new high performance sensor for crop bodies. At that point it might actually be time for an upgrade, maybe that will be the Canon 7d mark II or maybe it’ll be the T7i. I’m not really sure if it’ll show up this year, apparently it takes 3 to 5 years for Canon to innovate on much of anything.
March 21st, 2013 at 2:17 pm
Canon should seriously stop this. Seriously. Enough with the T series. It’s getting boring. They haven’t changed anything since T2i(550D). 550D,600D,650D and 700D are the SAME thing. same. (except the articulating screen -who cares JUST for a screen?-)
Next they will release T6i because they changed the font of the menu.
Come on.
As a 3year old T2i owner this is sad. Especially when i see the price of a T2i same for a point and shoot camera.
March 21st, 2013 at 2:41 pm
Don’t forget, they added a touch screen.
On the bright side, used T2i’s are selling for around $300 and they do a great job. The T2i is still the best preforming video camera/dslr out there for the price. Even though I do most of my major shooting on the 5dmkIII, I still keep a bag loaded with two T2i’s for b cams and behind the scenes. I can safely hand a t2i out to one of the crew members with the Sigma 30mm f1.4 to get production stills while i’m working, and I don’t have to worry about them breaking L glass or a 5dmkIII body.
March 21st, 2013 at 3:29 pm
I think the t3i would be the better buy. I think the T5i is supposed to be a minor upgrade, but I read it brought back digital zoom, and don’t forget the touch screen, which is pretty nice. I think because of the negative reception towards the M is the reason for the SL1.
March 23rd, 2013 at 5:44 am
Where did you read the digital zoom was back? (link please) or is this one of those “I forgot where I saw it even though it was just 2 days ago” situations? Cause this is the first I’ve heard it and it would actually make this camera more useful over the 650D/T4i to me.
I agree that the SL1 is Canon’s answer to their failed EOS-M, lol funny that their answer to fix a mirrorless model is to add a mirror, but hey when you’re in the business of selling mirrors… lol
March 21st, 2013 at 9:24 pm
Can Canon please actually release a new aps-c camera. They keep duplicating they’re cameras an its becoming really annoying. No innovation in the past 3 years with they’re rebel line. Really disappointing.
March 21st, 2013 at 10:38 pm
If it looks like a T4i, works like a T4i, has all the guts of a T4i, it must be Canon’s new T5i.
What the hell is Canon thinking? Throwing out some meaningless replica of an existing product, give it a new number, and presents it as a new product, will not make consumers salivate and rush out to buy it. Consumers are not stupid!!! (Or perhaps Canon does think us, consumers, are that stupid.) I’m always neutral on the cameras of Canon and Nikon as they both have their pros and cons, but this time Nikon is miles ahead with their D7100, compared to this T5i crap. I really wish to see — hopefully soon — a product out by Canon to be just as thoughtful and innovative in technology as the D7100. However, Canon’s new SX280HS is a wonderful, gaming changing, point-and-shoot camera, that lives up to Canon’s stature before their T5i.
March 22nd, 2013 at 12:25 pm
Maybe it’ll drive the T4i price down a bit. I want to upgrade my “wife’s” camera from her XSI so I, I mean she, can play with the touch-screen auto focus.
March 23rd, 2013 at 10:53 am
You’re all right. And indeed the only “plus” of the T5i is it will make the T4i cost less.
Canon is acting a bit full of themselves with this. The 6d was kicked around pretty hard by critics and the forums before released and ended up being basically a hit so it looks like they think they can do no wrong.
Some people will buy a T5i because it is a 5 instead of a 4 thinking it must be better (those new to DSLRs and haven’t done much research) but the T5i is a pretty terrible show of effort.
The SL1 is more innovative than the T5i and definitely Canon’s quick answer to mirrorless and small form factor considering they suck at live view AF. The SL1 will sell better than the M, and when the price drops a little more this time next year, it will probably be the perfect B camera or backup because of its size/weight and native EOS lens support without needing an adapter. 2 Sl1’s will take up the same space as 1 5d3 in a bag, so I can see a benefit and use for a “mini T4i”.
March 23rd, 2013 at 5:50 pm
Good points, but the difference between the 6D (which I’m still on the fence about) and the T5i is that the 6D is an improved 5D Mark II in both features and image quality and the T5i is a T4i with a new firmware and mode dial which are barely slight improvements at best.
The SL1 is very interesting but as a B cam I don’t think it beats the T2i or T3i, the only advantages it has for me is STM lens support and slightly less weight and size but they have the same features and image quality. If I really need to save more weight and size over a T2i then I’d rather save a lot and go with an NEX or EOS-M with EF adapter instead of just a little more for a lot more cost. As it is now you can buy at least two T2is or about 2 T3is for the price of one SL1, so as long as the T2is are around they’re still the better purchase choice in most situations, when the SL1 comes down a lot in price (to the under $400 range) then it might compete but at that point T2is will probably be around for $150.
March 23rd, 2013 at 8:51 pm
You are right, the 6d is the real 5d2mkII.
I rented a 6d for a weekend and can tell you, the ISO advantage you will get vs any crop in Canon’s line is substantial and real. You will shoot photos at ISO 12800 with less anxiety than you will shoot 6400 on a T2i/T3i/60d/7d. I have a 60d and the 6d is basically the same in every dimension/weight. It really is a 60d with a FF sensor minus swivel screen. I didn’t shoot any video.
The SL1 has the benefit of size/weight going for it and at least is something that can be a benefit. The T5i is downright lazy. It got what? Some new creative filters and a new rubber grip?? It didn’t even get the new Digic 6 processor. New P&S’s did though! I wouldn’t consider the T5i over the T4i for any reason personally. Save you’re money and just get a T4i if you want a touchscreen and STM lens support (I am very unimpressed with STM lenses in video mode compared to what m4/3 and Sony can do with AF in video mode). Or a T3i for a T2i with a swivel screen.
~losing faith in Canon 😉