23Mar Sony 5 inch HDMI monitor clone $195 Viltrox DC-50

I’ve owned a Sony CLM V55 5 inch HDMI monitor for almost 3 years and it’s my go to monitor for most things. Sure I own a SmallHD DP4, but it over heats in hot weather and doesn’t last nearly as long on a single battery or two batteries for that matter. Plus I’ve always liked the nice flip out sun hood included with the Sony CLM V55.
Even though the CLM V55 is a great little monitor, it’s about $350 new causing many to go with the Lilliput 569 monitor ($209). I was doing a little bit of scanning on ebay and came across this Viltrox DC-50 5 inch monitor. It looks almost identical to the Sony CLM V55 with the same sun shade, button layout, monitor mount, and adapter setup. At $195 it’s $155 cheaper then the Sony version and looks almost identical.
I’ve ordered one of these Viltrox DC-50 5 inch monitors for testing and I’ll let you know how it turns out against the Sony version. This might be a case the same factory different branding. It certainly appears that way. I’ll keep you posted.
March 23rd, 2013 at 10:02 pm
This would be amazing. I need an external monitor for this summer (many projects to be done) and would love to cut the cost on the monitor and still get quality.
March 23rd, 2013 at 10:56 pm
Can’t wait to see the review for this. I’ve been eyeing the Sony monitor for a while and like the integral mount. The only thing that I heard was one negative was that the aspect ratio didn’t adjust for the 5D. Is that something that you ever had issues with Deejay?
March 23rd, 2013 at 11:03 pm
Nice post here Deejay!!! Please keep us posted on your findings!!!
March 24th, 2013 at 1:44 am
Great find, cant wait for the results.
March 24th, 2013 at 8:57 am
Hey cool find Deejay. I like my Sony, though I dislike the swivel base. It has too much play in it, and the HDMI cable pulls it off horizontal level. I’ve been using a mini ball head, which stays rock solid, but it’s hard to adjust with one hand while shooting. Looking forward to your side-by-side review.
March 24th, 2013 at 10:58 am
I’ve actually had really good luck with the Mount. You don’t have to lock it down like a ball adapter and mine has never had any trouble staying in place. The little nub and thumb wheel also makes it easier to attach. I should have the clone in a few weeks, if I find anything out between now and then I’ll post the info.
March 24th, 2013 at 10:03 am
Great find!! Thank you Deejay for this post!
Please keep us posted with a comparison between this one and the Sony.
I’d really appreciate that!
April 5th, 2013 at 11:30 pm
I’m also looking for a suitable field monitor (on a budget)…
I’ve been umm and arring about the DP4, but damn it’s expensive.
Can’t wait on your findings…
April 15th, 2013 at 10:35 am
i saw this as well, and since i need two monitors for my shooting wishes (covering gigs with primes that would benefit from accurate follow-focus of moving performers) i was just about to pull the trigger..
the thing that holds me back is the thought of ‘thinking’ if 5″ is good 7″ is better, but this monitor and the the size seem so very very tidy and gut tells me i can live with 5″…
thoughts on this? is more really not going to be more with regards to holding focus with primes while filming performers?
April 15th, 2013 at 12:55 pm
Most of the current 7″ monitors are the same screen resolution as the 5″ in the lower price range. When the resolution is the same I prefer the smaller size units as they’re easier to mount. If your eyes aren’t good the larger screen might be a benefit, otherwise you’ll get the same results either way.
On the other hand I was checking out some of the 1280×800 7 inch models on display at the SmallHD both and they looked great. If that’s the type of 7 inch monitor you plan to move to it would definitely provide a focusing benefit. With the test camera they had at the booth it was noticeable, on the other hand you could just turn focus peaking on and get about the same results on the DP4.
April 15th, 2013 at 4:29 pm
that’s very revealing Deejay. Thank you!