10Apr More Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera updates

I finally managed to speak with a Blackmagic rep. The literature they have on the Pocket Cinema camera doesn’t say anything about Raw DNG mode. Apparently that is because Blackmagic isn’t 100% sure if that feature will be available at launch. According to the rep the camera will definitely have that option in the future but it could take a few more months depending on software development.
According to the Blackmagic rep I spoke with, you’ll be able to get about 1 hour of footage in ProRess 422 on a 64GB card and the data rate for RAW DNG will be about 4GB a minute. I was also able to play around with the menus and run the ASA setting (basically ISO) up to it’s max setting of 1600 and the video quality looked pretty good. This little camera isn’t going to be a low light monster but it will keep up with and even slightly outperform (with the help of raw mode) the t2i in its current state.
One other interesting comment from the rep was that they’ve already had talks with “some companies” who plan to sell 4/3 to EOS adapters with electronic controls that work with the Pocket Cinema camera. I would guess this statement was probably referencing Metabones adapters. At the Size and price of this little camera, I might end up pre ordering one just for travel. Right now I’m still on the fence, i’ll probably hang around and play with it a little more tomorrow when the crowd dies down before I pull the trigger.
April 11th, 2013 at 4:26 pm
Pull the trigger Deejay. This thing is cheap and amazing.
April 11th, 2013 at 7:59 pm
Done and Done.
April 12th, 2013 at 2:10 am
Hehe nice 🙂
April 12th, 2013 at 1:44 pm
what do you know about the cropfactor and the frame rates?
April 12th, 2013 at 2:41 pm
On the demo model I could only get 24fps, but that could change with the final release. As for crop factor a few people are listing 3x but Super 16’s crop is actually x2.88. I would say since they list “super 16” size sensor the crop factor is x2.88. Wide shots are going to be difficult with this camera.
April 17th, 2013 at 5:33 pm
This little camera will have low light capabilities where it counts. Because of the raw footage, the blacks will break down naturally, which has a more pleasing way to the eye, like film.
April 18th, 2013 at 5:45 am
Low light is very limited on the 4k camera about 400 iso. The pocket cam brakes down at about 1600 iso. You’ll be able to push the footage around more in post, but neither one of these cameras get anywhere close to the low light capabilities of the 5dmkIII, 6d, or C300.