19Apr Zoom h6 Field recorder with interchangable microphones

Special thanks to Yiannis for point this one out. If you’re in Greece and need a photographer you should check out his work.
Apparently Zoom doesn’t want to be outdone by Tascam’s DR-60D so they’ve announced this monster. The Zoom h6 is capable of recording 6 audio tracks simultaneously, 4 tracks can be recorded from the built in XLR/1/4 inch (TRS) combo jacks on either side of the unit and two tracks from a set of microphone inputs. The most interesting thing about the Zoom h6 is that you can change out microphones for different applications. It even has an extra XLR/ 1/4 inch (TRS) adapter that can be added for up to 6 direct inputs.
You’ll notice the black thumb wheels on each of the interchangeable microphones. These provide volume control for the different microphone options. The unit can also be used as a 6 channel usb audio interface for audio software like Sonar and Ableton.
I stopped by the Zoom both at NAB and they didn’t have the Zoom h6 on display. It’s a little strange that they waited until after NAB to announce this thing. No word on pricing, or release date just this vague announcement on Zoom’s website. I’ll post more if I find out anything else, at the very least it certainly looks interesting.
April 19th, 2013 at 4:20 pm
This thing is going to be unwieldy if you connect 4 XLR’s out the sides. Also, I see no 3.5mm jack.
Judging by the lack of coverage by the press at NAB, it seems like they are not quite ready to launch this thing.
Also, those silver add on pieces scream amateur to me. Hope I am wrong.
April 19th, 2013 at 5:56 pm
I agree, the form factor is aquaward, on the other hand 6 tracks is enough to record a 3 piece band (three for the drummer, guitar, bass, and vocals). It also might be nice for round table recordings and podcasting. Not sure how large this thing will be, if it’s bigger than the h4n it’s probably not going to be picked up by many film makers. The h4n is at the limit as far as size goes. It’ll also be interesting to see what the price point is.