24Feb Azden 330LT UHF Stereo Wireless system Audio test
While I’ve been using this set for awhile, I haven’t really published any audio tests so here’s the first. The audio track below was recorded directly into the Panasonic Gh4 as well as the Canon t2i running magic lantern. I’ve noted this in the audio recording and i’ll also say it right here. For whatever reason the Azden 330LT UHF system is a bit sensitive. If you have both receiver channels turned on, but only one transmitter turned on, you’ll get a horrible crackling noise. If you have both transmitters and receiver channels turned on, you wont have an issue. If you have one receiver channel turned on and one transmitter, you’ll also be fine. So make sure you only turn on both receiver channels if you are using both transmitters.
Take a listen to the audio and what i’m saying will make a little more sense. While the Azden 330LT UHF system isn’t quite as clean and clear as the Sennheiser G series units I normally use, the audio is still what I would consider decent to good depending on your standards. The noise floor is hanging out around -45db or so and with a noise gate or light noise filtering, it’s completely gone.
Other than converting the audio to MP3 format there hasn’t been any changes made to the Azden 330LT’s audio. Also note that this audio was recorded with the included Azden lav mics which aren’t fantastic. When I put together the full review I’ll demonstrate the unit with the nicer lav mics I normally use as well as the included lav mics so you can get an idea of the difference in quality.
February 24th, 2015 at 9:14 pm
Isn’t that “horrible crackling noise” what squelch masks out? Maybe the Azden doesn’t have this feature?
February 25th, 2015 at 6:10 am
I suppose it could be.
February 24th, 2015 at 10:37 pm
Deejay I am only seeing and hearing the audio in this test out of the right channel however when you turn off one of the transmitters and we hear the pop, that shows up in the left channel. Are you aware of this? as I would expect to be hearing and seeing your dialog track at my board as LR dual mono.
So I am thinking there is pos some type of issue.
February 25th, 2015 at 6:12 am
The way this unit works is that it brings in channel one transmitter on the left side and channel two transmitter on the right side. In this test I’m using a single lav which is why the audio is only on one side. The click and pop is on the other channel because that’s the sound created by turning on and off that channel.
February 25th, 2015 at 7:13 am
Ok got ya was just making sure all was good, makes sense now.