10Mar DSLR FILM NOOB Podcast Episode 15
DSLR FILM NOOB podcast Episode 15 is up, Devin from impulsenetworks.tv joins me to discuss Super Zoom cameras, FreeSync, memory card testing and more.
You can find the show notes here. You can find the show on itunes here, Soundcloud, or under the podcast tab above. You can also leave questions on reddit at r/dslr.
March 10th, 2015 at 9:12 pm
You guys are totally wrong about the Star Tech docking station. There is no way USB 3.0 is transmitting PCI-Express data over the cable. If PCI-Express data was passed being through then you wouldn’t need special display drivers because USB 3.0 would just be a “just a bus.” According to Star Tech’s web site, this dock does needs drivers. Also, its not likely the GPU in your laptop is being used at all to drive the display.
Like many USB-based docking stations and displays, the Star Tech is using a Display Link chip. The driver creates a “display” to the OS but instead of rendering it to a physical screen on the computer, it transmits the compressed screen data through USB to be rendered by the DisplayLink video chip at the other end. This is a completely proprietary hardware/solution that bypasses any graphics systems you might have on your computer.
This page indicates the Star Tech 4K dock is using DisplayLink technology:
Better explanation of how DisplayLink system works.
FYI, I have been using a Toshiba USB-based LCD monitor with Display Link for 4 years now. Its refresh rate is atrocious. Its perfectly fine for reading PDF documents but it is barely passable for YouTube.
March 11th, 2015 at 6:43 am
Thanks, I’ll take a look.
March 12th, 2015 at 8:56 am
I believe you have a 3D printer. Have you considered building your own dock using the ports (usb, video) directly from your laptop? Many of the Apple laptop docks just have connectors that plug simultaneously into the laptop so the dock is just an empty frame.
See the second picture from the link for how these “docks” work.
March 12th, 2015 at 9:29 am
I did consider it. Design time on something like that can take a few weeks and many prints. If it were something I was going to produce a lot of or “really needed” It would probably be worth it. Right now I’m kind of short on time, so it isn’t really that great of an option.
April 26th, 2015 at 10:20 am
SATA cable testing. praticially use a conitnuity test from a low cost multi meter. if It has contunity it works it doesnt its not. Make cetain you test contunity netween all contacts. if you have something that can measure and sample impedance – a lot more money than a multi meyer you could test. most video/photohraphiers probably wont test. Dont kink it cable and conitnuity test soon after purchase and get rid retun the junk.