PNY 90mbs 64gb card-1

I’ve been using Sandisk micro SDXC cards for a few years now and despite the claims of quality I’ve often had dropouts. Normally it doesn’t start causing a problem until I get a good 20 or 30 minutes of footage on a card, but lately it’s been getting worse. Now that I’m starting to put the Z-cam E1 through testing, I figured it might be time to pick up some more reliable cards.

PNY 90mbs 64gb card-2

After doing a little bit of looking around, I came across these 64GB PNY cards. I haven’t taken a look at the price of Micro SDXC cards in 6 or 7 months and the $28 price tag was surprising. I asked around and it turns out a number people I know were actually using these cards with positive results across the board. With that in mind I figured I may as well pick one up for testing.

PNY 64GB Read-write speeds

Crystal Disk Mark tests were extremely respectable for such an affordable card. Read speeds are hitting higher than advertised and write speeds are keeping up with more expensive Lexar x1000 cards of the same size (and double the price).

PNY 64GB card (1 of 1)

I’ve been using the 64GB PNY card in both the Z-cam E1 and the Hero 4 black edition of that last few days for a number of shoots. No drop outs so far, if it makes it through another few weeks of shooting, I might pick up a couple more. I’m still blown away by the $28 price tag.

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