01Jun DSLR FILM NOOB Podcast Episode 103
Episode 103 of DSLR FILM NOOB podcast is up. Mitch from planet5D.com joins me to discuss the Yi action cam, Nikon trouble, Sigma 85mm, and more.
You can find the show notes here. You can find the show on itunes here, Soundcloud, or under the podcast tab above. You can also leave questions on reddit at r/dslr.
June 2nd, 2016 at 9:15 am
Like I mentioned in past comments, I’m surprised about how Z-cam E1 has played out. Since the camera was already existing product in China before Kick-starter, the “company’ is probably buying the camera wholesale with modified firmware and doing custom additional software.
If they are having problems with existing product and a newer camera comes out, they are not likely to support the older camera because there is no sunk cost in a production line because they don’t own it. They can probably just tweak their existing software for the newer camera and call it a day. They already took your money for the older camera. Supporting it with new software just erodes their profit. Plus, reputation isn’t likely to be a concern.