» Archive for the ‘Canon 6d’ Category

30Nov Canon 6d manual posted, audio level meters confirmed!

I’ve been looking all over the place trying to find out if the Canon 6d includes audio level meters. I know a number of you have asked if this was the case. I can now confirm that it does in fact have level meters as you can see from this screen cap of page 210 […]

27Nov So I pre-ordered the Canon 6d

The Canon 6d has had me on the fence for awhile now. It’s as though Canon added just enough features to tempt me, but took away enough to make me think about waiting tell February for the next batch of cameras. On the downside the Canon 6d barely keeps up with the 5d mark II when it comes […]

23Nov Black Friday SanDisk Memory Card deals

The black Friday Deals on 16GB, 32GB, 64GB and 128GB SanDisk Extreme cards are great right now. The sales prices are very tempting. If you have a shoot coming up and need to gather up a lot of memory cards, now could be a good time to stock up. I’ve just added 2x 64GB cards […]

25Oct Canon 5d mark III firmware announcement, Clean 4:2:2, 8 bit HDMI out

It looks like Canon is finally unlocking some of the power of it’s Digic 5+ processor in the 5d mark III with the announcement of a new firmware update coming next year. The Nikon D800 was released with the ability to output a clean HDMI signal, however it was reported that the 5d MKIII was not capable of outputting a […]

17Sep Canon 6d anounced

I’m only gone for a week, and a flood of cameras are announced. Out of all of these announcements the Canon 6d shouldn’t be to much of a surprise for most of you. The 6d has been rumored to be on the horizon for quit a few months, with the only real question being final specs and release date. Here are […]