» Archive for the ‘DIY’ Category

04Sep Cracked Nexus 7 screen an excuse to upgrade?

Ironically I was mentioning the dangers of storing a tablet or laptop in the back compartment of a camera bag just yesterday. Not following my own advice I found my old Nexus 7 cracked after it’s return from travel in the back compartment of my camera bag. I could fix it and they do sell […]

20Aug More Low price DIY Mōvi camera stabilizer alternatives

A few months back I covered a lot of information on low price Mōvi alternatives (check out the post here). Since then the technology has progressing pretty fast and there are a lot of new options hitting the market. I thought it might be time for an update. Above is one of the new lower priced […]

08Jul New Video Editing PC build

I’ve been pushing my old Inlet i7-920 rig for a little longer then I probably should have and I’ve reached the limit on just about everything. The board has been maxed out in the RAM department since day one (24GB) and I’ve had to add a PCI-E card for USB 3.0 support. Don’t get me wrong […]

20Jun Low price DIY Mōvi camera stabilizer alternative

By now most people have seen the Mōvi camera stabilizer. This handheld 3-axis digital stabilized camera gimbal provides very smooth steady cam style shots in a very compact package. The price of $15,000 might not seem to bad if you’ve had too invest in a high end Steadicam vests and sled, but it’s out of […]

10Jun Adobe Premiere pro Creative cloud now Supports OpenCL

The last few versions of Premiere pro have supported GPU acceleration which can dramatically improve rendering times as well as real time playback. Up until now that support was limited to Nvidia cards like the GTX 680 or the GTX 670 (the card I currently use). It seems Adobe is attempting to entice more users to […]

05Jun Freenas PCI-e 4 port SATA upgrade to my Video storage solution

All of the work I’ve been doing lately has eaten up a lot of storage space. My 4 by 3TB drive freenas storage solution is down to less than 1TB of space and shirking fast. The motherboard I’m using for my Freenas installation only supports 4 SATA ports, so I started researching a PCI-e upgrade […]

22Apr Nyrius Aries pro wireless HDMI transmitter for the 5d mark III

Last year I put up a post about the Paralinx Arrow hdmi wireless transmitter. While it’s dropped in price to $895, it’s still a very costly purchase for low budget applications. The creator of the Paralinx Arrow used to work for one of the companies that created some of the lower priced HDMI wireless transmitters and I think they’ve […]

01Mar Antique 1940’s Radio rebuild update

All of the internals have been stripped out of that old 1940’s radio i picked up. The speaker grill material was in pretty bad shape so I had to order replacement cloth online. The single 15 inch speaker was also in pretty bad shape and the mount used for it was custom cut for the […]

21Feb DIY Laser build frame and case

I sat down with a carpenter (Chris) and drew up some plans for the laser case. By the time we were done we had sketched out a 6 foot by 7 foot frame that will eventually hold the X-Y stage, electronics, and laser tube, as well as water cooling and air assist. A day later I […]

21Feb TorchLED Bolt power adapter for $7.99

The $7.99 wall wort showed up last night (thanks Amazon prime). The power plug is the correct size for the power tap and it seems to fit the TorchLED bolt very well. Everything powers up and I left the TorchLED on for about an hour to make sure the little power supply could keep up. […]