» Archive for the ‘DIY’ Category

20Feb Rebuilding an old 1940’s radio with modern parts

I’ve been thinking about getting a classy looking stereo in the studio for awhile now. I put the word out to a few of my friends to keep their eyes open for something that could be retro fit with new speakers. After a few weeks Steve from beerorkid.com came through with this old, slightly abused radio and […]

19Feb External power for the TorchLED bolt

The TorchLED bolt is a great little ultra bright light panel, but it burns through batteries fast. Each battery will give you ruffly 45 min of constant use and the Switronix batteries will set you back around $80 a peace. Battery power is nice but if you have an electrical source, why not save your batteries for the times […]

09Feb Building a giant 80 watt DIY Laser

  I picked up a smaller laser and I’m using it to build a monster laser. A DIY laser build seemed a little crazy at first but after thinking about it, I released I understand how everything works and if I can just avoid getting hit by the laser beam during the build process I should […]

05Feb Rotating display table for product shots

I was in the market for a rotating product display unit for those moments were you just want the shot of a slowly rotation item in front of a back drop. I watched a few of the videos of people building them out of rotisserie motors with the price usually landing at around $30 to $40. Although I […]

02Feb Road tripping to pick up a freaking laser.

I’ve been working out the electronics needed for that audio adapter design I posted awhile back. Most of the electronics issues are sorted out (except phantom power) and now I need to design an easy to assemble case. The 3d printers I use for the shock mounts are good for mocking up a case design […]

29Jan DSLR Cage mounting options

Sometimes you need to mount a lot of stuff around your DSLR. In this case I have 7 cold shoe adapters, 2 friction arms, a Sony CLM V55 monitor, a stereo mixer, and two Sennhieser G2 wireless mics all attached to a Letus35 DSLR Cage. I wouldn’t want to hand hold this mess, but for tripod […]

16Jan DSLR resolution rant

More then once i’ve been asked how I feel about the 1080p resolution of the Canon 5d mark III. This is often followed up with complaints from the questioner about DSLR video not being as crisp as “X brand” of camera and usually devolves into rambling about using DSLR cameras for video in general. While […]

01Dec DIY audio interface ideas

I’m working on a more advanced DIY audio interface for those of you asking for more interface options. The chip in the center is a stereo amplifier and all of the support components needed for it to operate are on the board. The nice thing is that the whole board is about the size of […]

25Nov iRig Pre Hack, cheap XLR phantom power preamp for your DSLR

As promised here is the iRig Pre hack video with a few extra audio tests. If you need a low price affordable XLR adapter for your camera this is probably the best bang for your buck. I’ve covered the subject pretty well so check out these earlier posts if you want more audio samples, guides, […]

23Nov iRig Pre after hack testing

It seems there is some confusion about the iRig Pre Hack I posted. You could use the adapter cable (on the right) to brake out the pins on the included iOS cable into a microphone output and a headphone input but this is messy and the headphone part of the cable is basically useless for none […]