» Archive for the ‘DIY’ Category
03Sep Declicking a Rokinon/Samyang 35mm 1.4 lens
If you have the Rokinon/Samyang 35mm f1.4 lens, an easy upgrade is to “Declick” the aperture ring. Youtube member c2thew does a pretty good job in this video of walking you through the process. It isn’t very hard to do and gives you the ability to have smooth aperture transitions. By Declicking the lens you basically have a Samyang 35mm […]
14Aug Nexus 7 tablet mount option for your DSLR RIG video overview
Here’s a quick video covering the adapter setup I posted yesterday. The case provides quit a bit of protection with the over sized lip along the front and around the sides, the clamp seems very secure. The Tab-Tite Quick Release Tablet Holder works well but it’s still a pricey option. Yiannis pointed out this tripod TelePrompter mount (above) that might […]
10Aug Datacolor Spyder 3 express monitor calibration tool for the YAMAKASI CATLEAP IPS display
One of the things about the Catleap IPS 2560×1440 monitor that makes it so affordable is that there are no color controls or on screen controls built in. This saves money on the monitor, but means that color adjustments have to be made using the graphics card adjustment window. If you know any graphic design artiest […]
06Aug OCZ 512GB windows 7 issues
The OCZ Agility 4 512 GB drive came in last week and I finally had a chance to try a quick install of windows 7 last night. Only 15 min to run through the first reboot of the install process and I get a “bootMGR is missing”. It’s a little strange on a fresh drive, […]
13Jul Money saving tip when buying Variable fader ND filters
Variable ND filters can be pricey. Instead of buying one for each of the lenses in your collection, you can save a little money by picking up a single large 77mm or 72mm variable ND filter and using adapter rings to adapt to the smaller filter sizes in your collection. If your not sure if […]
23Jun Switronix TorchLED BOLT light panel – Video Review
First, a correction. In the video I say “660mAh battery”, that’s actually a 660Ah battery which equals 6600mAh. After taking the TorchLED BOLT out on a weekend long shoot and spending some time with it, I have to say that I’m very impressed. If you’re in the market for an extremely bright compact battery powered LED light, […]
24May Powergen and Anker USB battery packs
I’ve started using the Jangus Wireless wii units on a couple of projects with very positive results, but the last shoot I was on lasted over 9 hours which was more time then the built in battery on the transmitter could handle. I had two of these stereo transmitters with me so it wasn’t a […]
16May More studio updates
Started working on the new set this week and it’s coming along. The nice thing about a film set is that it only needs to cover the space that’s on camera. Which means you can get away with building just 2 walls. I went with wood paneling because its easier and cleaner then drywall, plus […]
01May Ikea’s cardboard camera
There are DIY Cardboard cameras out there for under $30 that you can build in your spare time. But what if you want a Digital camera made out of cardboard? That’s were Ikea steps in with the Knappa camera. The camera is designed to take 40 snap shots before you toss it into the recycling bin and […]