» Archive for the ‘lighting’ Category

03Sep Polaroid Fader ND v.s. Light Craft workshop Fader ND Mark II Video test

Fader ND filters are very handy, but is it really worth it to DSLR film makers to spend big bucks on higher end brands? That was the question I had when I first started looking at the LightCraft Fader ND. The cheap Polaroid Fader ND filter that I’d been using seemed to work just fine, […]

11Jul One Fader ND filter adapted to all of your lenses.

Fader ND filters are nice to have, but if you want to buy one for each of your lenses it can add up quick. There are a few exceptions, for example the Canon 28mm f1.8, 50mm f1.4, 85mm f1.8, and 100mm f2 all share 58mm filter sizes. But what if you start adding something like […]

08Jul Getting Technicolor Cinestyle to work on your T2i in video mode.

I’ve received a lot of e-mail from people having trouble using the Technicolor Cinestyle on their Canon T2i in video mode. Most of the e-mails say that they can see it in picture mode but can’t seem to get it to work in video mode. If you haven’t already installed Cinestyle on your Canon T2i, […]

06Jul Fader ND filters

Picture taken by Eric 5D Mark II I received a small amount of friendly harassment the other day from another photographer about using cheap lens filters. I’ve been using lower price Polaroid Fader ND filters for awhile now and haven’t had many problems. The Polaroid filters general run about $30 to $45 on amazon and cause a small amount of vignetting, but […]

24Jun Technicolor CineStyle For Canon Cameras

FXguide put together a very handy overview of the Technicolor CineStyle and the advantages it gives you when using green screen. They also have an interview with one of the developers that worked on the project. If you’re interested in color correction and getting the most out of green screen work with your Canon DSLR […]

09May How to install a Flat picture style on your Canon DSLR

I’ve been living life out of a hotel for the past two and half weeks. The small amount of time I’ve spent at home was used to working on my new Makerbot, and now i’m in yet another motel in Montana. Needless to say this video was shot in 3 different motel rooms with my […]

30Apr Film look: Technicolor CineStyle v.s. Marvels Cine picture style

One of the most popular methods for color correction with DSLR footage is to shoot with a flat picture style. This usually gives you more latitude when trying to grade footage in post. Canon has worked jointly with Technicolor to develop a new “flat” picture style for Canon DSLRs. One of the most popular Flat pictures styles, […]

29Apr Stop motion workflow guide?

Last year I ended up working on a few 30 second stop motion projects. It was tedious and took a lot of research and time. I put together this production logo as a proof of concept. I’ve received a few requests to cover my stop motion workflow and go over helpful tips and tricks when editing. Honestly, it’s […]

21Mar Affordable Cowboystudio CFL lighting rig Sold out.

I’ve received a number of e-mails asking about that Cowboystudio 1200 watt (equivalent) studio light setup. Apparently it’s completely sold out and many of you are looking for an alternative. Youtube member Levene1 sent me a message with info on a lighting rig that’s the same price and pretty much the same configuration. The only difference between the Cowboystudio 1200 watt […]

13Mar Affordable 300 watt CFL lighting setup

People are always looking for affordable lighting rigs and I’ve received a number of e-mails asking for lighting ideas that fit into a $100 budget. I’m a big fan of CFL bulbs for their life span, power draw, and low temperature performance. There are also a lot of lighting options out there that use CFL […]