» Archive for the ‘PodCast’ Category
29Jan Filming product close ups with a Gopro Hero 3
It can be tricky trying to get camera placement just right when shooting hands on product shots. One of the most affordable ways to accomplish this sort of thing is to use an extremely light camera like the Gopro Hero 3. A boom mic stand is designed to hold heavy condenser microphones in place even when […]
22Jan DSLR FILM NOOB Quick tip of the day – Video out via Canon USB cable
There are always a lot of questions about hooking up a Canon DSLR to a standard definition monitor. The special cable you need normally comes with new cameras, but a lot of people either lose it or buy used and don’t get the cable. If you don’t have it, the cable is called a AVC-DC400ST […]
15Jan DSLR FILM NOOB Quick tip of the day – Fast DSLR focusing tips
After a few months of tinkering here is the final result. A new (hopefully weekly) show format that covers one tip a week. I’ll still be posting full length reviews at random intervals, but i’d like to make sure there’s a steady stream of video content to go along with everything else I post. You […]
10Dec DSLR FILM NOOB Podcast episode 4
Episode 4 of the DSLR Film Noob Podcast is out, Enjoy. [powerpress]