» Posts Tagged ‘4tb hard drive’
21Jan External 4tb drives back under the price of internal drives
Looks like Seagate external drives have dropped below the price of internal drives yet again. You can pick up an external 4tb drive for $159, while the 4tb internal drive is closer to $180. If you’re willing to do a little bit of work removing the drive from the enclosure you can save around $20. […]
23Mar Seagate 4TB external Drive Price drop to $149.99
The Seagate 4TB external drive normally hovers around $190, but right now it’s just $149 on amazon. The price of Seagate’s internal 4TB drive is currently at $189. This happens every once in awhile but it never really made any sense to me. How can the external drive with all the extra parts be less expensive then […]
11Jan 4 TB of hard drive space for $189
You can pick up an oem 4TB hard drive for around $259, so why is it that you can buy a portable 4TB hard drive with usb 3 port for $189? It seems to me that at a price of $189 it would make sense to simply order a few of these drives for your nas and […]