» Posts Tagged ‘Canon 5d Mark III’
16Jan DSLR resolution rant
More then once i’ve been asked how I feel about the 1080p resolution of the Canon 5d mark III. This is often followed up with complaints from the questioner about DSLR video not being as crisp as “X brand” of camera and usually devolves into rambling about using DSLR cameras for video in general. While […]
03Jan Refurbished Canon 5d mark III body $2599
The price of the Canon 5d mark III has been dropping from it’s original MSRP of $3499 down to $2975 at most locations. Now refurbished 5d mark III’s are starting to show up on Ebay for $2599 and you can find display models for as low as $2435 if you don’t need a battery charger. A few […]
25Oct Canon 5d mark III firmware announcement, Clean 4:2:2, 8 bit HDMI out
It looks like Canon is finally unlocking some of the power of it’s Digic 5+ processor in the 5d mark III with the announcement of a new firmware update coming next year. The Nikon D800 was released with the ability to output a clean HDMI signal, however it was reported that the 5d MKIII was not capable of outputting a […]
26Aug Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 on a full frame camera for that wide angle and fish eye look
If you are in the market for a ultra wide angle fish eye lens for your full frame camera, the Canon 8-15mm f4 lens is top notch, which means you’ll pay a top notch price. Although not quit as wide and not quit as fish eye as the Canon 8-15, the Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 lens […]
16Aug Rokinon 35mm f1.4 testing next week
I have a Rokinon 35mm f1.4 EF mount lens coming in for testing. I’m interested in your input on what tests you would like to see in the review video as well as the comparison tests with the Canon 35mm f1.4 lens. Here’s whats on the current list right now: Bokeh Vignetting Sharpness Build quality Lens […]
29Apr Magic Lantern firmware in the works for the Canon 5d mark III
With the resent release of Canon’s 5d mark III firmware update, the Magic Lantern Team is now able to start work on a firmware hack. But what do you add to a camera that has most of the video features we’ve come to expect? Here’s my wish list. Clean 1080p hdmi output Focus peaking Histogram in […]
14Apr Chipped lens adapter problems with the 5d mark III
Using older manual focus lenses for filming is a very common practice among DSLR film makers, and a chipped lens adapters on the Canon 5d mark II (or any DSLR for that matter) is a good way to save some money on lenses and provide focus confirmation with these older manual focus lenses. Above is the Tokina 500mm […]
01Apr Canon 5d mark III Hands on Video and my first impressions.
So far I’m very pleased with the 5d Mark III’s performance, although I will need to spend some more time testing the audio inputs. As of right now I’m not sure if it’s the camera or the mic that is the source of the noise and I haven’t had a chance to test out other microphones yet. More […]
31Mar Canon 5d mark III ALL-I playback outside your NLE
I haven’t had any problems editing the footage from the 5d mark III, but none of the normal programs I use for playback would handle the footage. I’ve been told the latest version of VLC player can handle it, but I dislike VLC player with a passion. Nothing but a pain every time I’ve tried […]
30Mar Canon 5d mark III just showed, first test 64gb SDXC ALL-I recording
The UPS guy was kind enough to make me his first stop this morning and dropped off the Canon 5d mark III. I’ve only had about an hour to fiddle around with it, but man does it feel nice. Almost the same ergonomics as my Canon 7d body with only a few buttons moved around. The […]