» Posts Tagged ‘Film making’
08Sep Behind the scenes on a special effects shoot
I spent most of my Friday night and Saturday morning filming special effects and shooting a few dialog scenes for an upcoming feature length. The location was out in the middle of nowhere and we were forced to use a generator in order to run lights and equipment. We finished the last special effects shot […]
16Jan DSLR resolution rant
More then once i’ve been asked how I feel about the 1080p resolution of the Canon 5d mark III. This is often followed up with complaints from the questioner about DSLR video not being as crisp as “X brand” of camera and usually devolves into rambling about using DSLR cameras for video in general. While […]
26Dec Managing your film project’s data needs
It’s never a very sexy topic, but data management for your film project is very important. In a single day of shooting with two cameras you can easily fill up 5 or more 32GB cards and that’s not even counting the behind the scenes shots and stills. If for some reason you have to get everything done in a […]