» Posts Tagged ‘Render speed’
24Apr How much does a GPU really affect your Adobe Premiere workflow?
I’ve been talking about GPU upgrades so I thought I’d post some rendering tests I did awhile back on the GTX 670 and the GTX 285 with CS6. Adobe CS6 is a bit long in the tooth now that CC is out, but I still know a lot of people who use it. The specs on […]
17Sep Mecury playback engine GTX 670 v.s. GTX 285 speed test
Just made it back from Boston on Saturday night and had a little bit of time to run some rendering speed tests on the GTX 670 and the GTX 285 with CS6 (finally made the upgrade). I used two timelines, the first I’ll call the “Easy timeline” which is composed of a 2 minute and 42 second […]