» Posts Tagged ‘Swivl’

23May Swivl pan and tilt Multipurpose robotic platform – First impressions

Short rant about Kickstarter Before I dive into the Swivl, first a little note about kickstarter. You might have noticed that I no longer post much about new camera related kickstarter projects. That’s because out of the 9 or so projects I’ve backed so far only three projects went off without a hitch. Four had major delays (like […]

11Dec Swivl Motion platform for Mobile and DSLR devices

So this looks like a very interesting Kickstarter campaign. Basically it’s a turret platform for your DSLR, phone, or tablet with 360 degrees of rotation and up to 20 degrees of tilt. There is also a built in usb controller for your DSLR and if you pledge for the silver model (85 left at the […]