» Posts Tagged ‘Technicolor’

09May How to install a Flat picture style on your Canon DSLR

I’ve been living life out of a hotel for the past two and half weeks. The small amount of time I’ve spent at home was used to working on my new Makerbot, and now i’m in yet another motel in Montana. Needless to say this video was shot in 3 different motel rooms with my […]

30Apr Film look: Technicolor CineStyle v.s. Marvels Cine picture style

One of the most popular methods for color correction with DSLR footage is to shoot with a flat picture style. This usually gives you more latitude when trying to grade footage in post. Canon has worked jointly with Technicolor to develop a new “flat” picture style for Canon DSLRs. One of the most popular Flat pictures styles, […]