» Posts Tagged ‘USB 3.0 card reader’
01Feb USB 3.0 card reader speeds and why it matters
This question came in and I thought it might be helpful if I answer it on the site. Since USB 3.0 has a max transfer speed of 5 Gbps and USB 2.0 has a max of 480 Mbps, and SD class 10 cards have a minimum speed of 10 Mbps, does it really make any […]
30Jan Transcend USB 3.0 card reader quick overview
I’ve had pretty good luck with the Transcend USB 3.0 card readers and I keep one in each camera bag. I needed another card reader to replace the one that was “borrowed” by a fellow filmmaker on the set of our last shoot (It’ll probably be 6 months before I see it again). When I […]